How Appealing

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

“Supreme Court Looks at Puerto Rico’s Status in Case on Benefits; A federal law excludes residents of Puerto Rico from a Social Security program that provides monthly payments to needy people”: Adam Liptak of The New York Times has this report.

And Brent Kendall and Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal report that “Supreme Court Weighs Legality of Federal Benefits Denied to Low-Income Puerto Ricans; Justices consider whether Congress can exclude territory from U.S. program for the poor and disabled.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has posted online the transcript and audio of today’s oral argument in United States v. Vaello-Madero, No. 20-303.

Posted at 9:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“Right-Wing Extremism Is the Conservative Legal Movement’s Shiniest Badge of Honor; From the moment they begin law school, left-leaning students are warned not to appear too ‘political’; For conservative students, the more culture wars they fight, the better”: Madiba K. Dennie has this post at Balls and Strikes.

Posted at 9:38 PM by Howard Bashman

“Outrage Defense Stretches Texas Abortion Law Into New Territory”: Lydia Wheeler has this essay online at Bloomberg Law.

Posted at 8:58 PM by Howard Bashman

“Legal battle over Biden’s vax-or-test mandate for businesses is just beginning”: Ann E. Marimow and Eli Rosenberg of The Washington Post have this report.

Posted at 8:56 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court seems split on condemned man’s request for pastor at execution”: Robert Barnes of The Washington Post has this report.

Adam Liptak of The New York Times reports that “Supreme Court Weighs Condemned Man’s Wish for Pastor’s Touch; A Texas death row inmate, John H. Ramirez, asked the justices to let spiritual advisers pray with and lay hands on prisoners as they await execution.”

Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Supreme Court Weighs Role of Religious Advisers During Executions; Texas inmate seeks to have pastor lay hands on him in his final moments.”

John Fritze of USA Today has a report headlined “Texas death row case: Supreme Court wrestles with religious freedom in the execution chamber.”

And Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times reports that “Supreme Court weighs condemned killer’s demand for pastor to touch him during execution.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has posted online the transcript and audio of today’s oral argument in Ramirez v. Collier, No. 21-5592.

Posted at 8:44 PM by Howard Bashman

“‘Justice on the Brink’ author considers the impact of Trump’s 3 Supreme Court picks”: Linda Greenhouse was a guest on this segment from today’s broadcast of NPR’s “Fresh Air.”

Posted at 8:33 PM by Howard Bashman

“Oklahoma Supreme Court: $465 million verdict in Johnson & Johnson opioid case thrown out.” Nolan Clay of The Oklahoman has this report.

Barbara Hoberock of The Tulsa World reports that “Opioid public nuisance ruling reversed by Oklahoma Supreme Court.”

Max Bryan of The Norman (Okla.) Transcript reports that “OK Supreme Court overturns state ruling in Johnson & Johnson opioid suit.”

Jennifer Calfas of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Johnson & Johnson Opioid Verdict Overturned by Oklahoma Supreme Court; Justices say district court stepped into shoes of legislature.”

Jan Hoffman of The New York Times reports that “Oklahoma Supreme Court Throws Out $465 Million Opioid Ruling Against J.&J.; The 5-1 decision is a setback for those who are fighting to hold big drug makers accountable for the opioid epidemic.”

And Meryl Kornfield and Lenny Bernstein of The Washington Post report that “Oklahoma Supreme Court overturns historic opioid ruling against J&J.”

You can access today’s ruling of the Supreme Court of Oklahoma at this link.

Posted at 8:20 PM by Howard Bashman

“The Supreme Court’s Conservatives Finally Found a Religious Objection They Don’t Like; John Henry Ramirez says he wants a pastor by his side in the execution chamber; Three justices think he might be faking it”: Mark Joseph Stern has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate.

Posted at 8:08 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court to weigh in on religious rights of prisoners facing execution; The court will hear arguments over whether a death row inmate has the right to have a spiritual adviser in the death chamber who can pray aloud and be in physical contact with them”: Pete Williams of NBC News has this report.

Posted at 10:22 AM by Howard Bashman