“How Judges Turn Your Legal Rights Into Worthless Promises; If courts make it impossible for you to do anything about violations of your rights, those rights are worth nothing at all”: Hannah Mullen has this post at Balls and Strikes. Among other things, Mullen is a granddaughter of Justice John Paul Stevens.
“Taco Bell Case Puts Arbitration in Spotlight at Supreme Court”: Kimberly Strawbridge Robinson of Bloomberg Law has this report.
“The Supreme Court’s Growing Hostility to Arguments of Death Row Inmates; Recent rulings, including one turning down a death row inmate’s request supported by the prosecution, offer telling glimpses of the state of capital punishment”: Adam Liptak will have this new installment of his “Sidebar” column in Tuesday’s edition of The New York Times.
“The Amy Coney Barrett Effect: An Emboldened Conservative Legal Movement; The Supreme Court’s 6-3 tilt is inspiring right-wing judicial actors to take legal moonshots they wouldn’t have dared to attempt not long ago.” Matt Ford has this news analysis online at The New Republic.