“Yeshiva University Fights for Its Freedom of Religion; Schools should be able to have policies consistent with their faith, even if they are politically unpopular”: Former D.C. Circuit Judge Thomas B. Griffith has this essay online at The Wall Street Journal.
“Biden administration urges Supreme Court not to take citizenship case; Advocates disagree, saying case from American Samoa would give justices a chance to overturn precedents with racist and imperialist rhetoric”: Robert Barnes of The Washington Post has this report.
You can access the federal government’s brief in opposition at this link.
“5th Circuit questions claim that SEC put Nasdaq on a ‘woke mission’ for board diversity”: Jody Godoy of Reuters has this report.
And Andrew Ramonas of Bloomberg Law reports that “Nasdaq Diversity Rule Challenge Puts Conservatives on Defense.”
If you crank your audio all the way up to eleven, you might be able to barely hear the audio of today’s oral argument before a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit via this link.
Update: In other news coverage, Alexander Osipovich of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Nasdaq Board-Diversity Rule Takes Center Stage in Court Battle; Two conservative groups argue exchange’s diversity targets for listed companies amount to illegal racial and gender quota.”
“Showdown over Nasdaq board diversity rule heads to 5th Circuit”: Jody Godoy of Reuters has this report.