“Domestic Abusers Have Gun Rights Too, US Appeals Court Rules; Court vacates conviction of Texas man tied to five shootings; Ruling is latest fallout from US Supreme Court landmark ruling”: Erik Larson of Bloomberg News has this report.
Tierney Sneed of CNN reports that “Law barring people with domestic violence restraining orders from having guns is unconstitutional, court rules.”
Zach Schonfeld of The Hill reports that “Appeals court strikes down gun ban for people with domestic violence restraining orders.”
Kaelan Deese of the Washington Examiner reports that “Law barring domestic violence offenders from possessing guns unconstitutional, court rules.”
Bronson Winslow of the Daily Caller reports that “Federal Court Strikes Down Decades-Old Gun Law Targeting Domestic Violence.”
In commentary, online at Slate, Mark Joseph Stern has a jurisprudence essay titled “5th Circuit Rules That People Accused of Domestic Violence Have a Right to Keep Their Guns.”
And online at Vox, Ian Millhiser has an essay titled “It’s now legal for domestic abusers to own a gun in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi; We’re starting to see the fallout from the Supreme Court’s most recent Second Amendment decision.”
You can access today’s ruling of a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit at this link.
“Federal judges’ retirements increasingly politically timed, study finds”: Nate Raymond of Reuters has this report.
“Big Law’s Cancel Culture, and Other Obviously Fake Things That Do Not Exist; Recasting America’s richest law firms as victims of woke culture obscures the real-world impact of the work these firms do all day, every day, six minutes at a time”: Jay Willis has this post at Balls and Strikes.
“U.S. Senate panel holds first votes on Biden judicial picks of 2023”: Nate Raymond of Reuters has this report.
And Madison Alder and Tiana Headley of Bloomberg Law report that “Biden Judicial Picks Deadlock as Judiciary Panel Members in Flux.”
“Introducing Confirmation Tales: ‘Not after I’ve driven all this way!'” Ed Whelan has launched a new Substack site, “Confirmation Tales.”
“The Old Hand Problem”: Law professor Xiao Wang has this article in the current issue of the Minnesota Law Review.
The article’s abstract begins, “Senior status is a special form of retirement for federal judges.”
“How expensive is Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner’s impeachment?” Dennis Owens and Madison Montag of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s WHTM ABC 27 have this report. According to the article, “The right-to-know request shows the House GOP has spent more than $1 million so far, most of it to law firm K&L Gates.”
In related news, this should be an exciting year for the Third Circuit Bar Association (new website now live), whose board I am proudly a member of. The organization’s new president is a partner in the appellate group at K&L Gates, while the president-elect works as supervisor of the Federal Litigation Unit at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. Our first remote board meeting of the new year is today.