“Appeals court blocks vaccine mandate for US gov’t workers”: Kevin McGill of The Associated Press has this report.
You can access today’s en banc ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit at this link.
“The Conservative Legal Movement Is Coming For Public Defenders Next; Judges and politicians have never taken seriously their obligation to keep the promises of Gideon v. Wainwright; In today’s Supreme Court, its days may be numbered”: Jay Willis has this post at Balls and Strikes.
“Stanford Law Rediscovers Free Speech; The dean instructs student hecklers on the First Amendment”: The Wall Street Journal has published this editorial.
And in Friday’s edition of that newspaper, Tirien Steinbach, Stanford Law School’s associate dean for diversity, equity, and inclusion, will have an op-ed titled “Diversity and Free Speech Can Coexist at Stanford; We have to stop blaming, start listening, and ask ourselves: Is the juice worth the squeeze?“
“Few Biden judicial nominees at Senate hearing as ‘blue slip’ concerns loom”: Nate Raymond of Reuters has this report.
“The Supreme Court Nominee Who Would Abolish Mother’s Day: How I hid Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s incendiary positions.” Ed Whelan has this post at his “Confirmation Tales” Substack site.
“The Secret Joke at the Heart of the Harvard Affirmative-Action Case: A federal official wrote a parody of Harvard’s attitude toward Asian Americans and shared it with the dean of admissions; Why did a judge try to hide that from the public?” Law professor Jeannie Suk Gersen has this report online at The New Yorker.
Access online the contents of the new issue of The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process, focusing on “Appellate Issues In and Around Indian Country”: Via this link.
“In US abortion pill case, FDA could soften blow of court-ordered restrictions”: Julia Harte, Gabriella Borter, and Brendan Pierson of Reuters have this news analysis.
“Will the Supreme Court Let Jack Daniel’s Go to the Dogs? The high court’s most unusual case of the current term will determine if our trademark laws are all bark and no bite.” Matt Ford of The New Republic has this report.
“How Ginsburg’s death and Kavanaugh’s maneuvering shaped the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade and abortion rights”: Joan Biskupic of CNN has this news analysis, adopted from her forthcoming book, “Nine Black Robes: Inside the Supreme Court’s Drive to the Right and Its Historic Consequences.”