“What ProPublica’s Latest Hit Piece Gets Wrong: Among other errors, it wrongly places Clarence Thomas in the Bahamas and overestimates the value of a football ticket by three orders of magnitude.” Mark Paoletta has this essay online at The Wall Street Journal.
“How the Supreme Court Could Ban the Abortion Pill: A conservative judge advanced a new legal theory in the recent mifepristone ruling; But will it prove to be too radical for the high court?” Matt Ford has this essay online at The New Republic.
“From Ginsburg and Breyer to the Present: A long view of how and why Supreme Court confirmation process has changed.” Ed Whelan has this post at his “Confirmation Tales” Substack site.
“Wildfire lawsuits against US over 2016 Tennessee blaze revived”: Clark Mindock of Reuters has this report on a decision that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued yesterday, in which each of the three judges issued an opinion.
“The Fifth Circuit’s mifepristone opinion is wrong; Part 1 of 2: Standing.” Adam Unikowsky has this post at his Substack site, “Adam’s Legal Newsletter.”
“Supreme Court, mired in controversy, could wade into Trump indictments. Here’s how it could happen.” John Fritze of USA Today has this report.