“First Amendment right to a drag show? Texas students ask Supreme Court for emergency ruling.” Maureen Groppe of USA Today has this report.
You can view the Emergency Application for Injunction Pending Appellate Review at this link.
“Trump’s on the ballot, but the Supreme Court left key constitutional questions unanswered”: John Fritze and Marshall Cohen of CNN have this report.
“Liberal justices’ rage at the Trump ballot decision is incoherent”: Columnist Jason Willick has this essay online at The Washington Post.
“Thank the Alabama Supreme Court for its IVF decision. I’m serious.” Columnist Ruth Marcus has this essay online at The Washington Post.
And in related news coverage, Kim Bellware of The Washington Post reports that “Fourth couple sues Alabama clinic at heart of IVF court ruling.”
“Supreme Court sets Trump immunity claim in D.C. trial for April 25”: Ann E. Marimow of The Washington Post has this report.
“Everybody Hates the Supreme Court’s Disqualification Ruling; Trump and his diehards aside, many of those who wanted the court to leave the former president on the ballot still think the justices managed to screw it up”: Matt Ford has this essay online at The New Republic.
“The Originalist Disaster in Trump v. Anderson”: Mike Rappaport has this post at “The Originalism Blog.”
“A Partially Annotated Version of SCOTUS’s Section 3 Case”: Eric Segall has this blog post at ‘Dorf on Law.”
“The Court’s Colorado Decision Wasn’t About the Law; This case wasn’t decided on its merits, and the result is an utterly flimsy legal argument”: George T. Conway III has this essay online at The Atlantic.
“A leaked memo offers details on the case against Penn law professor Amy Wax, accused of racist speech and behavior; In addition to sanctions against her, a university hearing board also recommended her classes be recorded and taught outside the law school buildings”: Susan Snyder of The Philadelphia Inquirer has this report.
The Washington Free Beacon previously posted the memo online.
“Alabama Bill to Protect I.V.F. Would Reopen Clinics but Curb Patient Rights; Here’s what to know about the legislation, which the state legislature is expected to approve overwhelmingly on Wednesday”: Jan Hoffman of The New York Times has this report.