How Appealing

Sunday, July 28, 2024

“Judicial Notice: 07.28.24: Succession; Justice Kagan’s candid comments, a $3 billion legal-tech company, a new GC for Fox News Media, and the law of . . . chicken fingers?” David Lat has this post at his “Original Jurisdiction” Substack site.

Posted at 10:42 PM by Howard Bashman

“Usha Vance told friends Trump appalled her. Now she’s working to elect him. The potential second lady found Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 ‘deeply disturbing,’ a friend said. But ambition and devotion to her husband ultimately drove her to a place in the former president’s campaign.” Peter Jamison, Beth Reinhard, Hannah Natanson, and Nicole Markus of The Washington Post have this report.

Posted at 10:37 PM by Howard Bashman