“Philly and the Pa. Supreme Court are top ‘judicial hellholes,’ a tort reform group says. Trial attorneys aren’t happy. ‘Whenever there is a result holding accountable a corporate wrongdoer, that jurisdiction becomes a hellhole,’ Thomas Kline said of the report by the American Tort Reform Foundation.” Abraham Gutman of The Philadelphia Inquirer has this report.
“Appeals Court Strikes Down Nasdaq’s Board-Diversity Rules; The exchange had set diversity targets for listed companies and sought to require them to disclose the gender and racial makeup of their boards”: Alexander Osipovich of The Wall Street Journal has this report.
Jessica Guynn of USA Today reports that “Appeals court scraps Nasdaq boardroom diversity rules in latest DEI setback.”
Alex Swoyer of The Washington Times reports that “Federal appeals court says Nasdaq, SEC diversity rules unlawful.”
Nate Raymond of Reuters reports that “US appeals court tosses Nasdaq board diversity rules.”
And Andrew Ramonas of Bloomberg Law reports that “Nasdaq Board Diversity Rules Struck Down by Fifth Circuit; SEC lacked power to approve regulations in 2021, court rules; Fifth Circuit sided with conservative challengers in 9-8 vote.”
You can access yesterday’s 9-to-8 en banc ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit at this link.
“Fifth Circuit Conservatives Snipe Over Handling of En Banc Case; Judges Ho, Oldham criticize each other; Fractured opinions issued in longrunning case”: Jacqueline Thomsen of Bloomberg Law has this report.
And at “The Volokh Conspiracy,” Josh Blackman has a post titled “Making Sense of the 7-1-1-8 Split in Environment Texas Citizen Lobby v. ExxonMobile; Does a judge have an obligation to render a judgment to ensure that the court renders a judgment?”
My earlier coverage of yesterday’s en banc Fifth Circuit ruling can be accessed here.
“Oklahoma man asks 10th Circuit to revive suit over unintended firing of Sig Sauer pistol; Sig Sauer’s P320 was sold to the public without a manual safety feature”: Amanda Pampuro of Courthouse News Service has this report.
“Ryan Park, Biden Court Pick Stalled In The Senate, Withdraws His Nomination; The appeals court nominee says he’s going to keep his current job as the North Carolina solicitor general”: Jennifer Bendery of HuffPost has this report.
“William Hennessy, a veteran sketch artist who brought courtroom scenes to the nation, has died”: John Fritze and Katelyn Polantz of CNN have this report.