“Chief Justice Roberts Condemns Threats to Judicial Independence; In his year-end report on the federal judiciary, the chief justice decried violence, intimidation and disinformation and warned against defiance of court rulings”: Adam Liptak of The New York Times has this report.
Justin Jouvenal of The Washington Post reports that “Chief Justice Roberts warns of threats to judges in year-end report; Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. presented an annual year-end report on the state of the judiciary.”
Jess Bravin of The Wall Street Journal reports that “Chief Justice Says Intimidation and Violence Threaten Judicial Independence; But John Roberts’s year-end report remains silent on Supreme Court ethics.”
Maureen Groppe of USA Today has an article headlined “Chief Justice John Roberts: Courts’ independence under threat from violence; Roberts said not everyone engages in ‘informed criticism’ of the court, ‘or anything resembling it.’”
And at his Substack site, Chris Geidner has a post titled “John Roberts attacks court criticism that he decides lacks a ‘credible basis’ as ‘illegitimate’; Conflating violence against judges with broad criticism the court faces for its extremism, the chief justice ultimately sends a chilling end-of-year report.”
You can access Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.’s “2024 Year End Report on the Federal Judiciary” at this link.
Posted at 8:17 PM by Howard Bashman