How Appealing

Saturday, January 25, 2025

“Riggs-Griffin fight moves to federal appeals court Monday, with 65,000 ballots at stake”: Steve Harrison of WFAE has this report.

Rachel Selzer of Democracy Docket has a post titled “4th Circuit To Weigh Whether NC Supreme Court Election Challenge Should Proceed in State or Federal Court.”

Jeffrey Billman of The Assembly reports that “Some N.C. Supreme Court Republicans Seem Willing to Overturn Griffin’s Defeat; While the justices remanded the case to Wake County’s superior court on Wednesday, it’s likely to return.”

Will Doran of WRAL has a report headlined “‘Stop this attack’: New ad features NC Republican challenging GOP-backed effort to toss ballots; The ad was paid for by a group tied to former North Carolina Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, who’s leading efforts to help improve trust in elections among fellow conservatives.”

And Lynn Bonner of NC Newsline reports that “A Republican-led group is running ads in NC opposing the GOP attempt to throw out ballots.”

Posted at 8:50 PM by Howard Bashman

“Arkansas Supreme Court justices spar with chief justice over her authority in rare public meeting; Baker’s colleagues express frustration over inconsistencies in her statements”: Tess Vrbin of Arkansas Advocate has this report.

ArkansasJudiciary has posted the video of the meeting on YouTube at this link.

Posted at 8:40 PM by Howard Bashman

“Idaho Lawmakers Want Supreme Court to Overturn Same-Sex Marriage Decision; A state legislative committee has advanced a resolution asking that the power to regulate marriage be returned to the states”: Amy Harmon of The New York Times has this report.

Posted at 8:10 PM by Howard Bashman

“Supreme Court Books You Should Read in 2025; A legendary Supreme Court reporter recommends recently published must reads about the nation’s top tribunal”: Tony Mauro has this post at his “The Marble Palace Blog” at The National Law Journal.

Posted at 8:07 PM by Howard Bashman