How Appealing

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

“Muslim inmate takes his case for a beard to the Supreme Court”: Lauren Markoe of Religion News Service has a report that begins, “It’s not every day that a coalition of legal minds is rooting for a violent inmate convicted of stabbing his girlfriend in the neck.”

Posted at 9:56 PM by Howard Bashman

“Federal court considers guns in post offices”: The Associated Press has a report that begins, “The U.S. Postal Service and a rural Colorado man argued in court Wednesday over where on postal property people can legally carry guns.”

Posted at 3:40 PM by Howard Bashman

“Judicial panel rules against Democrat who wanted replacement candidate in U.S. Senate race; Ruling comes minutes before 2 p.m. deadline”: Steve Fry of The Topeka Capital-Journal has this news update.

Dave Helling of The Kansas City Star has a news update headlined “Kansas court says Democrats need not provide nominee for U.S. Senate race.”

The Associated Press has a report headlined “Court: Democrats don’t need Kansas Senate nominee.”

And at his “Election Law Blog,” Rick Hasen has a post titled “In KSSEN, Dems Do Not Need to Replace Chad Taylor on Ballot” providing a link to the ruling.

Posted at 2:56 PM by Howard Bashman

Two Carneses, two Pryors, and a partridge in a pear tree: Demonstrating that actual reporting can be accomplished at “How Appealing” when the mood strikes, I am pleased to report that Jill A. Pryor will begin serving as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit on Monday, October 6, 2014. The U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed her nomination by a 97-to-0 vote on September 8, 2014. Here’s wishing the newest Judge Pryor a long, enjoyable, and successful career on the court!

Posted at 2:17 PM by Howard Bashman

“Open Chambers: Demystifying the Inner Workings and Culture of the Georgia Court of Appeals.” Judge Stephen Louis A. Dillard of the Court of Appeals of Georgia has this interesting article in the Summer 2014 issue of the Mercer Law Review. The article’s formal cite is 65 Mercer L. Rev. 831 (Summer 2014).

The article begins, “I vividly remember the day I learned of my appointment to the Georgia Court of Appeals.” Thanks to Judge Dillard and the Mercer Law Review for their permission to post the article online here.

Posted at 12:48 PM by Howard Bashman

On move-in day, please pardon our appearance: If you are reading this post, you have found this blog’s new location. If you’ve been automatically forwarded from this blog’s former location, you may want to update your bookmarks now.

From the birth of this blog in May 2002 until now, more than 80,000 posts have appeared at “How Appealing.” One consequence is that it takes much republishing of pages to have this blog’s new template appear throughout all of this blog’s archives.

The good news, however, is that new posts are already appearing and the entirety of this blog’s archives have relocated, even though a good deal of those archives are still in the process of being republished to reflect this blog’s new template.

Readers, one aspect of this site’s redesign was to eliminate the blogroll providing links to so-called “Especially Appealing Blogs.” It seems that such blogrolls are falling out of favor, if the current designs of “The Volokh Conspiracy,” “SCOTUSblog,” “Above the Law,” or “InstaPundit” are any indication. Most of the traffic I send to other blogs originates from links that appear in posts, rather than in the blogroll.

On the other hand, I found the blogroll a convenient way for me to jump from my page to other sites that I enjoy reading. If enough readers want that blogroll feature reinstated, I may just be able to accomplish that. The best way to let me know if you favor the inclusion of the “Especially Appealing Blogs” list in this blog’s new template is to let me know via email at [email protected].

Posted at 10:42 AM by Howard Bashman

“Your Type May Be Ripe For Review”: Chris Mincher has this post focusing on typography today at the “Maryland Appellate Blog.”

Posted at 10:20 AM by Howard Bashman

By a vote of 8-to-5, en banc Third Circuit permits use of warrantless GPS evidence under the good faith exception to the exclusionary rule: You can access today’s en banc ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at this link.

Circuit Judge Joseph A. Greenaway, Jr. wrote the lead dissenting opinion, which begins, “Once touted as a way to ensure that the rights of citizens are protected from overzealous law enforcement, today the exclusionary rule’s very existence, long eroding, is in serious doubt.”

Posted at 9:48 AM by Howard Bashman

“Judicial Reform Group Shutting Down After 101 Years”: At “The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times,” Tony Mauro has a post that begins, “The American Judicature Society, a powerful advocate for judicial reform, ethics and research, is shutting its doors after 101 years in existence.”

You can freely access the full text of the post via Google.

Posted at 9:40 AM by Howard Bashman

“Long-Term Secrecy Surrounds Electronic Monitoring; Recent Unsealing Shows How Applications Are Kept Hidden Long After Cases Are Closed”: In today’s edition of The Wall Street Journal, Michael Siconolfi has an article that begins, “A federal judge’s recent unsealing of a secret government request for electronic monitoring shines a light on how such applications are kept hidden from the public long after criminal cases that result from them are closed.”

Posted at 8:12 AM by Howard Bashman

“Federal judge sides with Pruitt in Obamacare lawsuit”: Chris Casteel has this article in today’s edition of The Oklahoman.

Today’s edition of The Tulsa World contains an article headlined “Oklahoma prevails in court challenge to Affordable Care Act’s subsidies.”

At “SCOTUSblog,” Lyle Denniston has a post titled “Federal judge limits health care subsidies.”

And at, Michael F. Cannon has a post titled “Pruitt v. Burwell: IRS’s Illegal ObamaCare Taxes/Spending Suffer Another Defeat In Federal Court.”

You can access yesterday’s ruling of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma at this link.

Posted at 8:07 AM by Howard Bashman